Social Welfare Services


  1. Looking at the deteriorating religious conditions of the communities and the volatile economic climate in the giant sub-economic housing settlement of Chatsworth, The Chatsworth Ulama Council was formed to cater for the Social, Educational, Welfare and Religious needs of the community. The Organization is registered with the Department Of Social Development of government as a Non-Profitable Organization (N.P.O) as well as a Public Benefit Organization (P.B.O). Section 18(A) certificates are issued at the donor's request. Since inception in 1996 The Chatsworth Ulama Council has been working constructively over the past 27 years and on account of its commitment and dedication have achieved tangible results. The Organization wishes to place on record it's sincere thanks and appreciation to Donors for their financial support over the years. 
  2. The Chatsworth Ulama Council was established to cater for the social, educational, religious and welfare needs of the disadvantaged communities residing in the giant sub-economic housing settlements of Chatsworth & Districts.
  3.  The object of the organization is to foster genuine love, fellow feeling, sympathy, compassion and encourage mutual co-operation and social cohesion. 
  4. One of our aims is to mitigate human sufferings of the down trodden poor communities living from hand to mouth. Our aim is also to disseminate Islamic knowledge in its pristine purity. 
  5. Alhamdulillah with the grace of Almighty Allah we are completing two decades of providing services to the communities of not only Chatsworth & District but also in the province of KwaZulu Natal.
  6. The spirit and sacrifice of outstanding leaders, field workers and volunteers whose profound vision, wisdom and tenacity in difficult and trying circumstances to bring relief, hope and kindled opportunities in building a better and stronger community for those lesser - privileged than ourselves is indeed laudable.

Poverty is a pervasive and debilitating issue that affects millions of people worldwide,
perpetuating cycles of disadvantage, inequality and social exclusion. It is a state of
deprivation where individuals and families lack financial resources to meet their basic needs
such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and education. It is a major social and economic
issue that affects people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures and is a significant barrier to
social mobility, economic growth and human well-being. Poverty leads to a range of negative
outcomes including poor health, low educational attainment and reduced opportunities. In
South Africa poverty remains as a serious social challenge with a large percentage of the
population living below the poverty line. The effects of poverty are far reaching, impacting
not only individuals and families but also communities and society as a whole. 

Some causes of poverty include lack of education and skills, unemployment and under-
employment, inequality and discrimination, conflict and displacement, poor governance and
corruption etc. The effect of poverty leads to desperation, frustration and anger which
manifests in crime and violence. Poverty limits access to healthcare, proper nutrition and
clean water. This in turn leads to sickness and reduced life expectancy. 

Poverty is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive and sustained
response. In order to address poverty a combination of short-term support such as social
protection programs and long- term investments such as proper education, job training, job
creation and entrepreneurship amongst others is required. Government, sponsors and donors
should also increase funding to non- profitable organizations for sustainable growth and
development. If government, sponsors and donors work closely together poverty can be
reduced and human well- being can be promoted. 

As a non- governmental organization dedicated to addressing poverty and promoting human
well-being, the Chatsworth Ulama Council has been working tirelessly and effortlessly since
inception, (June 1996) to support vulnerable people and advocate for policies and programs
that address the root cause of poverty. Our organization depends solely on public funding.
Our activities include the following:
1) We are presently assisting 1000 families with grocery hampers on a monthly basis.
2) We engage in outreach programs where we distribute hot meals, groceries and
clothing to poverty- stricken families in informal settlements of Chatsworth and
surrounding areas. We also distribute sandwiches to children in madrasah on a daily
basis. We also distribute sandwiches during the course of the year in intervals to
patients at the local clinic. This enables some of their nutritional needs to be fulfilled.
3) Madrasah classes are conducted in the afternoon free of charge.
4) We also conduct adult classes (M.a.r.k Deenyat Programme) for our monthly
recipients which helps our adults to gain Islamic knowledge
5) A weekly youth programme (Maktab Youth Movement) is also conducted by us to
assist the youth in social interaction.
6) Counselling is provided to people who need to avail of our services.
7) In co-ordination with Vision for Life we assist recipients to receive free spectacles.
8) We conduct sewing classes as part of our skills development program to empower
individuals to earn an honest living.
9) We conduct a senior citizens program on a monthly basis where we meet and interact
with our senior citizens of our community. This outing which gives them a great sense of
elation allows them to leave the confines of their homes and spend quality time with
their fellow friends. Meals are served after the conclusion of the program and recipients
also receive their monthly grocery hampers.
10) We also conduct programs for our special needs/mentally challenged people of our
community where we interact with them to make them feel special and important.
11) During the winter we embark on a winter warmth drive where we distribute warm
clothing, beddings, duvets and blankets to our recipients and also to the informal
settlements, schools, hospice, old age Homes and other welfare organizations with
similar objectives.
12) Conversions are done at our offices and certificates are given.
13) Nikaahs of consenting adults are also performed at our offices.
14) During Ramadaan, we assist families with grocery hampers and payment of
rentals/electricity and water accounts on a larger scale.
Subject to funding, our desire is to embark on other initiatives for the growth and
development of society 

During the past 29 years, the Chatsworth Ulama Council has been in the forefront of
deserving communities in need. We have made steady progress and achieved tangible results.
Working amongst disadvantaged communities is a mammoth task but our work is facilitated
by the altruistic contributions and support we receive from our donors and well-wishers. Any
assistance rendered which benefits the poor and deserving people is vital in building a firm
nation. Positive results are achieved by the concerted efforts of all role players. Our vision is
to continue on our journey of hope in mitigating the plight of impoverished communities and
bring about positive change. Subject to funding, our aim is to embark on other initiatives for
the progress of society. Social welfare work is only possible with the sacrifice of time,
dedication and effort. 

In a harsh society where power and greed have triumphed over love, compassion, pride and
dignity and where scruples and moral values have been traded for materialistic pleasures, we
commend all those who are instrumental in assisting us to build a unified nation and a
brighter future for people living in the shackles of poverty. May the trials and tribulations
which we have surpassed become a firm foundation for a better tomorrow.
25 Ramadhan 1446 - 26 March 2025

Zakaat Nisaab: R12064
Mahr Fatimi: R30160
Minimum Mahr: R  603
24 carat gold: R 1773 g
22 carat gold: R 1625 g
18 carat gold: R 1330 g
9 Carat Gold: R  665 g
Krugerrand: R58000
Silver: R 19.70 g

Fidya & Fitra R30.00

Shafi'i/ Hanbali/ Maliki:
Fidya R10.00
Fitra R40.00

  • 262 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092, South Africa
  • P.o.Box 561322 Chatsworth 4030

Donation Amount


The Holy Qur’aan has fixed the shares of each individual. “From what is left by parents and those nearest related, there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property is small or large, a determinate share.” (Qur’aan: Surah 4, Verse 7). The criteria for determining the heirs and their proportionate shares are based on the law of “proximity” to the deceased. This proximity is determined by Almighty Allah, and is not left to the discretion of man. These cannot be altered or changed by man. The shares of the heirs as determined by the Qur’aan are compulsory.

“Almighty Allah directs you, as regards your children’s (Inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females: if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance, if only one, her share is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children, if no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third, if the deceased left brothers ( or sisters ) the mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies and debts. You know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled proportions ordained, by Almighty Allah, and Allah is All Knowing, All Wise. (Qur’aan: Surah 4, verse 11)

In what your wives leave, your share is half, if they leave no child, but if they leave a child you get a fourth, after payment of legacies and debts. In what you leave their share is a fourth, if you leave no child, but if you leave a child, they get an eighth, after payment of legacies and debts. If the man or woman whose Inheritance is in question, has left neither ascendants nor descendants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a sixth, but if more than two, they share in a third, after payment of legacies and debts, so that no loss is caused (to any one).Thus it is ordained by Almighty Allah, and Allah is All Knowing, Most Forbearing”. (Qur’aan: Surah 4, Verses 11 and 12).

Almighty Allah has accordingly specified the shares of beneficiaries based on the law of proximity of relationship and not on the material needs of the beneficiaries. Even in contemporary law the “Freedom of Testation” allows an individual to beneficiate whomsoever he wishes. The Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance guarantees the right of both women and children to inherit from the estate.


In order for a will to be in accordance with legislation of South Africa, certain conditions of the Will’s Act 7 of 1953 as amended should be complied with;

1. The will should be in writing.
2. The will must be signed at the end by the Testator/Testatrix
3. The will should also be attested and signed by two witnesses, who must be of at least 14 years of age, this should be done in the presence of the Testator/Testatrix and each other.
4. If the will consists of more than one page, the other pages should be initialled by the Testator/Testatrix and the witnesses.
5. A Testator/Testatrix must be at least 16 years of age.
6. No beneficiary may sign as a witness.


Prophet Muhammed (May peace be upon him) has said “It does not befit a believer who is (obliged) to make a bequest to spend (even) two nights, without making a record thereof” (Bukhari – Muslim).

A Muslim is obliged to keep a record of:

1. Creditors – To those whom the deceased owes money.
2. Amaanah – Items entrusted to him/her for safe keeping.
3. Unfulfilled religious obligations.
4. Debtors – Those who are indebted to the deceased.

Note: This document has to be updated on a regular basis.


A testator/testatrix also has the option of bequeathing a maximum of one third of his estate to persons who are not his heirs. However, if a bequest is made in favour of an heir, it will be subject to the approval of the remaining heirs (those who have attained puberty as the consent of the minor heirs are invalid). Marriages in accordance with South African law has to be registered by an Ante-nuptial contract excluding the Accrual System. Marriages registered in Community of Property or the Ante-nuptial contract including the accrual system is not consistent with the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance and should be changed so that the estate can be distributed in accordance with the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance.


A. Prophet Muhammed (may peace be upon him) has said “A man or woman may devoutly obey Almighty Allah for sixty years, yet when death approaches them, they act wrongfully (when making) their will, as a result, the fire of Hell becomes binding for them” (Ahmad).
B. If a will is not made, then the estate of the deceased will devolve according to the Interstate Succession Act 81 of 1987 (South Africa) which provisions are contrary to the Islamic Law of succession and Inheritance.


A parent may for a valid reason (eg. Service to parents) during his lifetime give a particular asset to one of his children, provided that the purpose of the gift is not to cause harm to the remaining heirs. Observing equality in parental gifts to children is preferable but not binding.


The estate of the deceased must be administered in the following order:

1. Payment of funeral expenses.
2. Payment of debts (Creditors should be paid from the Estate of the deceased)
3. Payment of legacies and bequests (Religious obligations or other up to a maximum of one third of the estate.
4. Finally the remainder of the Estate to devolve among the heirs in accordance with the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance.


A Muslim who renounces Islam is termed as a murtad/murtaddah (renegade). A person who renounces Islam, after having been a Muslim is a murtad/murtaddah (renegade). A murtad (male renegade) and murtaddah (female renegade) are deprived of inheritance. The estate of renegades (both male and female) will be inherited by their Muslim heirs. That portion of a murtad’s estate which he had acquired while he was a Muslim will be inherited by his heirs and the portion which he acquired during his state of renunciation will be handed to the Islamic State Treasury.

If a female becomes a renegade (murtaddah) her entire estate will be inherited by her Muslim heirs whether she had acquired the assets/wealth during her state of Islam or state
of renunciation. The estate of the murtad (male renegade) and murtaddah (female renegade) will be taken by his/her heirs when the following circumstances occur:

a. He/She renounces Islam
b. He/She dies or is put to death.
c. The execution of the male renegade or the female renegade in terms of Islamic Law.
d. When he/she seeks asylum in Darul Harb (Non Islamic State) and the Islamic court issues a decree confirming this.


1. There are no ties of inheritance between Muslims and non Muslims.
2. A Muslim does not inherit from a non Muslim and a non Muslim does not inherit from a Muslim.
3. If a Muslim has no Muslim survivors and has not made a bequest for the disposal of his estate, all his assets will be given to the Islamic State Treasury.


1. Monies from the Pension/Provident funds are to be given to the beneficiaries whom the deceased has nominated during his lifetime and is not subject to the rules of inheritance.
2. The amount of premiums paid towards the life insurance policies will form part of the estate. The remainder must be given in charity without the intention of receiving reward as it represents a compulsory distribution of an unlawful gain.


When the deceased has absolutely no Islamic heirs of any category whatsoever, the estate will be given to the Islamic State Treasury. Should there be no Islamic State Treasury, then the entire estate should be distributed to the poor and needy.


There are 3 groups of heirs:

Those whose shares have been stipulated in the Qur’aan.


Those heirs who will receive whatever remains of the estate after the Qur’anic heirs have received their stipulated shares and in the absence of the Qur’anic heirs they will receive the entire estate.


Those who will receive their shares if no Qur’anic heirs or Residuaries exists.


1. One is not allowed to disinherit a legitimate beneficiary.
2. Adopted children are not beneficiaries. However a bequest (not exceeding 1/3 of the estate) can be made for the adopted child/children.
3. Children born out of wedlock do not inherit from the father.
4. Spouses from a Nikah (marriage) which is null and void do not inherit.
5. A murderer (who is an heir of the deceased) and has committed the crime of murdering the deceased do not inherit.
6. Provisions must be made for an unborn foetus. The share of the unborn foetus must be reserved until it is born.


The transference of the shares of inheritance from the estate of the first deceased to the heirs of the subsequent deceased, who were the heirs of the first deceased is termed as (munasakah).

Sometimes the estate of the deceased is not expeditiously wound up. It is essential to finalize the distribution as soon as possible, so that the heirs obtain their shares. It is not permissible to infringe on the rights of the heirs and cause them difficulties. Numerous people are guilty of such inordinate delay in finalizing the affairs of the deceased that sometimes some heirs die before they receive their shares. The shares of the deceased heirs have to be transferred to their respective heirs.

Prepared by:  The Late Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan

Kindly contact our offices for your Last Will & Testament.
As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Almighty Allah I have completed 25 years of service under
the banner of the Chatsworth Ulama Council. It is indeed a milestone achievement for me. I
sincerely and humbly thank Almighty Allah for affording me the opportunity of earning an
honest living. During the past 25 years I came into contact with many people from different
walks of life but the people who stood out the most were the poor and destitute who were
unfortunate victims of circumstances. May Almighty Allah accept my efforts and
contribution for the upliftment of lesser - privileged people.

I wish that my brother, Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan was here today to share this
memorable moment with me but I know that he would have been very happy to witness this
milestone achievement. He gave me the opportunity 25 years ago to join the Organization
and explore my world, believed in my potential and eventually was proud of my work,
dedication and success. If I were not given the opportunity, I may have not known that I was
capable to reach greater heights. The journey was not easy but I persevered since I had the
guidance of my brother and for that I will be eternally grateful.

My brother was my friend, philosopher, mentor and guide and I learnt so much more by
working with him. We complimented each other in our work and personal lives. The office
was our home away from home. Losing him was like losing a part of myself, an indelible
vacuum still lingering in my heart. The only consolation is the memories that were created,
first as siblings and then by working together. His presence is still felt even though it is
almost 2 years since he returned to the mercy of Almighty Allah. He diligently dedicated his
time for the upliftment of impoverished communities and for the progress of the
Organization. He was definitely the heart and soul of this Organization and is dearly missed
by everyone whose lives he touched with his warm and charismatic demeanour. He knew
how to balance work and personal issues so that everyone remains happy at all times. He
loved his work of serving the community at large and always ensured that every task we
undertook brought about tangible results.

I make Dua that Almighty Allah grants all of us here at the Chatsworth Ulama Council longer
life, good health and strength to continue working and contributing in keeping the legacy of
my beloved brother alive. May Almighty Allah elevate his rank in Jannatul Firdhos, Ameen.
May Allah bless our present management and staff with strength, compassion and dedication
to continue on our journey of hope to mitigate the plight of indigent communities. May
Almighty Allah’s peace and blessings be with all of us as we continue with our lives in this
transitory world, Ameen

Nassima Khan

All praise is due to Almighty Allah, the master of the Universe, peace and salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Allah has placed mankind on earth as a test so that man can achieve everlasting success by gaining the eternal pleasure of Allah. The various conditions afflicting man on earth are all part of the Great Divine Design. The loss of ones` parents, siblings and other family members are also a test from Allah. Therefore, we cannot question Allah even after experiencing loss. Everything we experience in life, be it positive or negative is a part of Allahs` Divine Plan. As human beings, we do not have a choice in the Divine Decree which is a sole right of Almighty Allah. In these turbulent times we have to live by faith, in the belief that Almighty Allah will not burden us with more than we can bear.

Today, the 25th of August 2022, marks 1 year since my beloved brother, our late Ameer, Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan returned to the mercy of Almighty Allah The 25th of August 2021, coinciding with the 16th of Muharram 1443 was indeed a very solemn day for all of us since we had received news of the demise of my brother. His passing on has left a huge vacuum in our hearts and today, even a year later it is very difficult to come to terms with our irreplaceable loss. Some days we feel like we are conquering the world in his honor and then some days we feel like we are lost in the heartache of his absence.

It is with a heavy heart that I pay tribute to this very special person. A look at the appearance of a man helps a great deal in understanding his personality. The face being the index of the mind is an open book in which a man`s character and the history of his achievements is clearly written. Moulana Khan was fortunate to be gifted with excellent qualities, sound character and an amazing larger than life personality. He was a man with a selfless spirit which embodied humility, generosity, compassion, profound knowledge and dedication. His charismatic smile spoke volumes about him and even on the day that he departed from this transitory world he had a smile on his face. His passing on has left an indelible mark of sadness and grief in the lives of all those he touched with his warmth and charm. His presence is always felt even in his absence. The incredible memories created with him will continue to linger on in our hearts and we will cherish those memories for the rest of our lives. Although it is difficult to overcome the loss, the memories are tools which assist to push away the pain. We make Dua that time heals the sadness and vacuum which is in our hearts.

Over the 24 years that I worked with my brother, I gained immense knowledge, experience, wisdom and success. I chose to work in the background as a mark of respect for his status, honour and principles. He saw the potential I possessed and gave me an opportunity to explore my world. I will be eternally grateful to him for that opportunity. I know that he was proud of my achievements and I was proud of him He was undoubtedly my mentor, guide, strength and inspiration. I stand proud that he is my brother but even more honored to have been chosen as his younger sister. The only solace now is the knowledge that he is resting in eternal peace.

Moulana Khan was one of the illustrious founding members of the Chatsworth Ulama Council. He initiated the opening of the council in June 1996 with his sincere vision of hope to serve the community of Chatsworth and Districts. A humble childhood culminated in Moulana Khan gravitating towards a career in Islamic studies and Dawah work. In his career spanning 45 years in this field, he not only ensured giving to the poor and needy what they
immediately needed but more importantly he endeavored to equip them spiritually, educationally and psychologically so that they become meaningful members of society. He never hesitated to accept challenges or take risks. He stood firm on matters of importance in the interest of the organization and the community at large. He carried this huge responsibility successfully and strategically sustained its growth and development. In June,2021 Moulana completed 25 years of service under the banner of the Chatsworth Ulama Council and remained the Ameer of the organization from inception until his demise. Moulana Khan will always be remembered for his consolidated efforts and philanthropic services for the upliftment of the community. May Allah reward him manifold for his noble work. The challenge now is to respond to the needs of today and develop succeeding generations to carry the process further. We ask Allah to grant strength and wisdom to present and future leaders and workers to fulfil their responsibilities in a manner which is pleasing to Allah.

May Almighty Allah grant Moulana Khan and all Marhooms the highest stages in Jannatul Firdhos, elevate their rank and illuminate their resting place with celestial light, Ameen. May the grace and mercy of Allah heal the hearts of all of us affected with the loss of loved ones.

Life is a miracle and every breath we take is a gift from Allah. The world is but a means to an end. May we all be prepared for that end when it comes to us. Treasure your loved ones who are still here with you, for surely, we will never know when we will part from each other.

The Chatsworth Ulama Council pays tribute to our beloved Ameer, the Late Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan. Moulana Khan, a profound, dynamic scholar of Islam returned to the mercy of Almighty Allah on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 (16 Muharram 1443). It was indeed a solemn day for all of us. His passing on has left his beloved family, friends and the community which he served in disbelief and sadness. We find solace in the knowledge that Allah is the best planner and we cannot question Allah’s plans.A look at the appearance of a man helps a great deal in understanding his personality. The face being the index of the mind, is an open book in which a man’s character and the history of his achievements can be clearly read. Moulana Khan was fortunate to be gifted with excellent qualities, sound character & an amazing personality. Vibrant, caring, compassionate, generous and gentle are words which best describe him. His charm, wisdom, warmth and charismatic smile spoke volumes about him. He was a kind, humble and remarkable human being who always put the needs of others before his own. He was indeed a “people’s person”. His passing on has left an indelible mark of sorrow and grief. His presence will always be felt even in his absence. His departure from this worldly abode is undoubtedly an irreplaceable loss which will continue to linger on in the hearts of all those whose lives he touched with his warmth and charm. He always said that this world is a temporary journey with our final destination being the hereafter. He believed that the good we do today for the betterment of society will allow us to reap the rewards in the hereafter.

Moulana Khan was born in October 1956 at Kings Rest. He spent his childhood in Bayview, Chatsworth and matriculated in 1973 at Chatsworth High School. He acquired a diploma at Natal Technikon for an accounting course. He pursued higher Islamic studies at an institute in Bangalore, India. He returned to South Africa and served as an orator and Imam at different masaajids in Chatsworth and in Durban. He also worked as a Madrassah teacher in Crossmoor, Chatsworth and Newlands, Durban. Thereafter, he was employed at Orient School to teach Islamic Studies. He worked as joint secretary for Jamiatul Ulama (Natal) for 20 years under the leadership of Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saab, Moulana Omarjee and all the senior ulama of that era. Moulana attended numerous seminars & conferences in South Africa & abroad. He supervised Madrassahs and conducted teacher training classes as well. After resigning from Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) he established the Chatworth Ulama Council in June 1996. He was designated by Home affairs in August 2001 as a marriage registration officer and commissioner of oaths. He served as the Ameer of the Organization since inception until his demise. In June 2021 he completed 25 years of service under the banner of the Chatsworth Ulama Council.
During his career at the Chatsworth Ulama Council, Moulana worked tirelessly and effortlessly to alleviate the plight of the indigenous communities of Chatsworth & District. He played a meaningful and pivotal role for the upliftment of poverty-stricken families. His other duties included marital counselling, handling of queries pertaining to various aspects of Islamic Law, co-ordination of the social welfare department, arbitration of disputes in the distribution of estates, official registration of marriages, performance of Nikkahs, annulment of Nikkahs, attesting of documents and drawing up of Last Will and Testament, issuing of certificates to attorneys for the winding up of estates in accordance with Islamic law of Succession and Inheritance. He also sacrificed his time for the benefit of the Ummah with his vibrant discourses, performing Jummah programmes and lecturing on Deen-ul-Islam at various Masaajids across KwaZulu Natal.

Through his foresight and expertise, the Organization and community benefitted immensely. He was a friend, philosopher, mentor and guide to all of us. His loss has created a huge vacuum. He will be deeply missed not only by his beloved family but by all members of the Organisation, staff and the community which he served with his unrelenting efforts and plethora of knowledge. Someone as special as him cannot be forgotten. “May Almighty Allah reward him for his noble work.”

Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan is survived by his wife, 2 sons, 5 daughters, 2 brothers, 3 sisters and numerous nephews and nieces. Since Moulana was a well-known public figure, his mayyet was attended by an enormous gathering of Ulama and well-wishers.

We make Dua that Almighty Allah elevate his rank, grant him the highest stages in Jannatul Firdous and continue to illuminate his resting place with celestial light, Ameen. May the grace and mercy of Allah heal the hearts of his beloved family and grant them patience, fortitude and strength.

Islam is a complete code of life and is not confined only to Salaat or Zakaat. Our Deen transcends mere worship and embraces every aspect of our life, be it marriage, education, inheritance, business, etc. A true Muslim is one who, motivated by the sole object of gaining Allah’s pleasure, submits in totality to the Shariah (The way Allah Taa’la wants us to live). To this end Allah says:

“O you who believe! Enter into Islam completely; And do not follow the dictates of Shaitaan for he is an avowed enemy unto you.” (Surah 2:Verse 208)

Those unfortunate ones who only follow Allah’s injunctions on matters which conform to their whims and desires and shirk from those laws which do not appeal to them are severely reprimanded wherein Allah says:

“Is it only part of the Book (Quraan) that you believe in, And do you reject the rest? Those who behave likewise will have nothing but disgrace in this life; and on the day of judgement they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty, for Allah is not unmindful of what you do.” (Surah 2: Verse 85)

Do we as Muslims want to have our marriages, wills, trusts, estates, etc. Governed by laws ordained by Allah Ta’ala, the Supreme and Wise, or do we want to subject ourselves to the ever-changing feeble human mind?

Note the severe tone adopted in the Aayat – Let the Quraan and Hadith decide in your affairs if you believe in Allah i.e. if we choose something else then our Imaan is in question. In another place Allah Ta’ala takes Qasm (oath) on himself and says:

“ By the Qasm (oath) of your Rabb! They have got no Imaan until they make you (i.e. the Nabi’s teachings) judge in all disputes and find in their hearts no resentment against your decision, but accept with the fullest submission.” (Surah 4: Verse 65)

Accepting or adhering to, or opting for these laws is a distant matter. In this Aayat, Allah Ta’ala takes Qasm that we do not have Imaan if we even resent the ruling of the Shariah.

Whenever the decision of Nabie (SAW) serves to resolve a dispute, both parties should accept the decision whole heartedly. It often occurs that people in today’s time are reluctant to accept the Islamic verdict in their disputes. These people should question their Imaan since Allah declares an oath.

It is indeed unfortunate that many so-called Muslims are averse to the laws of Shariah. They should evaluate their Imaan, since the verse not only stipulates (as a requisite of Imaan) that disputes be brought before Nabie (S.A.W) but adds that these also be accepted whole heartedly.

The stark and basic facts of the matter my respected Ulema is that, as reciters of the Kalimah and the torchbearers of Imaan, we have to uphold the Deen of Allah. The Quraan has decided for us concerning what choice we have wherein Allah Ta’ala says:

“It is not befitting for a believer, man or woman when a matter has been decided by Allah and his messenger to have any option about their decision if anyone disobeys Allah and his Nabie (S.A.W) he is clearly on a wrong path.” (Surah 33: Verse 36)

We find that the injunctions governing the social aspects of our lives can generally be classified into two categories:
1) The collective affairs e.g. governing the state, implementation of Hudood (legal penalties) etc.
2) The personal and individual affairs e.g. marriage, divorce, guardship, inheritance, etc.
When one ponders over the Quraan one finds that as for laws concerning the collective affairs of the Muslims, these are very briefly mentioned and a few basic guidelines are given, since here, a hard and fast rule cannot be applied due to the changing conditions with the passing of time. However, concerning personal affairs, the Quraan is replete with detailed injunctions, since these address the very fibre of our day to day interaction with others.

Nikah – what the intention should be, how one should live with one’s wife, to whom one can get married, etc. has been dealt with at length in Surah Nisaa (Surah 4)
Talaaq – regulations governing Talaaq are dealt with in Surah Baqarah and one whole Surah of the Quraan is called Surah Talaaq.
Inheritance – rules have been outlined at length in Surah Nisaa.

After explaining the laws of inheritance Allah Ta’ala clearly reprimands those Muslims who are neglectful of the Rules of Inheritance.

“Those are the limits set by Allah, those who obey Allah and his Messenger will be admitted to gardens with rivers flowing beneath to abide therein forever and that will be the supreme achievement.”
“Those who disobey Allah and his Rasul and transgress His limits will be admitted into Hell wherein they will abide, and they shall have a humiliating punishment.”
(Surah 4: Verse 13,14)

In fact the Quraan sounds out a chilling warning in Surah Maaidah where immediately after much decision on such laws, Allah Ta’ala says:

“If any do fail to judge contrary to what Allah has revealed they are (no better than) unbelievers.”
” If any do fail to judge contrary to what Allah has revealed they are no better than the wrong doers.”
“If any fail to judge contrary to what Allah has revealed they are no better than those who rebel.” (Surah 5: Verses 47,48,50)

Thus my dear Ulema for the sake of our Imaan and for the sake of our children and the generations to come, as well as the thousands of people coming into the fold of Islam, let us not forsake our duty to Islam.

If we don’t do this, I shudder to think of what answer we are going to give Allah Ta’ala if he asks us: “ You were given the choice to give preference to my laws yet you turned your backs on it.” What Imaan will we have left?

Muslims are obliged to accept Allah’s law and practice them. The behaviour of present-day Muslims contravenes the principle when they act contrary to the teachings of the Quraan and the Ahadeeth.

Almighty Allah promises abundant rewards for those who obey Allah and his Rasul (S.A.W):
“All who obey Allah and his Rasul are in the company of those on whom is the grace of Allah, of the Prophets, the truthful, the Martyrs and the righteous. What a beautiful companionship.” (Surah 4: Verse 69)

Nabi (S.A.W) is our role model to emulate in all aspects of our life as Allah says:“We have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone whose hope is Allah and the last day and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah.”
(Surah 33: Verse 21)

Allah sounds a stern warning to those who annoy Nabi (S.A.W):“ Those who annoy Allah and his Nabie (S.A.W), Allah has cursed them in this world and the hereafter and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment. (Surah 33; Verse 57)

The glad tidings of success is mentioned by Allah in following the command of Allah and his Rasul (S.A.W): “O you who believe fear Allah, and always say a word directed to the right that he may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins, he that obeys Allah and his Rasul has already attained the highest achievement.” (Surah 33: Verse 70,71)

Obedience to Allah and Nabi (S.A.W) is highlighted in the verse which states:“O you who believe obey Allah, and obey his Rasul and those charged with authority among you, if you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and his Rasul, if you believe in Allah and the last day that is the best, and most suitable for final determination.”
(Surah 4: Verse 59)

If we want the love of Allah then we have to adhere to the Sunnah of Nabi (S.A.W) as the Quraan says: “Say O Prophet, if you love Allah follow me, then only Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, Allah is forgiving, most merciful.” (Surah 3: Verse 31)