All praise is due to Almighty Allah, the master of the Universe, peace and salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Allah has placed mankind on earth as a test so that man can achieve everlasting success by gaining the eternal pleasure of Allah. The various conditions afflicting man on earth are all part of the Great Divine Design. The loss of ones` parents, siblings and other family members are also a test from Allah. Therefore, we cannot question Allah even after experiencing loss. Everything we experience in life, be it positive or negative is a part of Allahs` Divine Plan. As human beings, we do not have a choice in the Divine Decree which is a sole right of Almighty Allah. In these turbulent times we have to live by faith, in the belief that Almighty Allah will not burden us with more than we can bear.
Today, the 25th of August 2022, marks 1 year since my beloved brother, our late Ameer, Moulana Abdur Rahman Khan returned to the mercy of Almighty Allah The 25th of August 2021, coinciding with the 16th of Muharram 1443 was indeed a very solemn day for all of us since we had received news of the demise of my brother. His passing on has left a huge vacuum in our hearts and today, even a year later it is very difficult to come to terms with our irreplaceable loss. Some days we feel like we are conquering the world in his honor and then some days we feel like we are lost in the heartache of his absence.
It is with a heavy heart that I pay tribute to this very special person. A look at the appearance of a man helps a great deal in understanding his personality. The face being the index of the mind is an open book in which a man`s character and the history of his achievements is clearly written. Moulana Khan was fortunate to be gifted with excellent qualities, sound character and an amazing larger than life personality. He was a man with a selfless spirit which embodied humility, generosity, compassion, profound knowledge and dedication. His charismatic smile spoke volumes about him and even on the day that he departed from this transitory world he had a smile on his face. His passing on has left an indelible mark of sadness and grief in the lives of all those he touched with his warmth and charm. His presence is always felt even in his absence. The incredible memories created with him will continue to linger on in our hearts and we will cherish those memories for the rest of our lives. Although it is difficult to overcome the loss, the memories are tools which assist to push away the pain. We make Dua that time heals the sadness and vacuum which is in our hearts.
Over the 24 years that I worked with my brother, I gained immense knowledge, experience, wisdom and success. I chose to work in the background as a mark of respect for his status, honour and principles. He saw the potential I possessed and gave me an opportunity to explore my world. I will be eternally grateful to him for that opportunity. I know that he was proud of my achievements and I was proud of him He was undoubtedly my mentor, guide, strength and inspiration. I stand proud that he is my brother but even more honored to have been chosen as his younger sister. The only solace now is the knowledge that he is resting in eternal peace.
Moulana Khan was one of the illustrious founding members of the Chatsworth Ulama Council. He initiated the opening of the council in June 1996 with his sincere vision of hope to serve the community of Chatsworth and Districts. A humble childhood culminated in Moulana Khan gravitating towards a career in Islamic studies and Dawah work. In his career spanning 45 years in this field, he not only ensured giving to the poor and needy what they
immediately needed but more importantly he endeavored to equip them spiritually, educationally and psychologically so that they become meaningful members of society. He never hesitated to accept challenges or take risks. He stood firm on matters of importance in the interest of the organization and the community at large. He carried this huge responsibility successfully and strategically sustained its growth and development. In June,2021 Moulana completed 25 years of service under the banner of the Chatsworth Ulama Council and remained the Ameer of the organization from inception until his demise. Moulana Khan will always be remembered for his consolidated efforts and philanthropic services for the upliftment of the community. May Allah reward him manifold for his noble work. The challenge now is to respond to the needs of today and develop succeeding generations to carry the process further. We ask Allah to grant strength and wisdom to present and future leaders and workers to fulfil their responsibilities in a manner which is pleasing to Allah.
May Almighty Allah grant Moulana Khan and all Marhooms the highest stages in Jannatul Firdhos, elevate their rank and illuminate their resting place with celestial light, Ameen. May the grace and mercy of Allah heal the hearts of all of us affected with the loss of loved ones.
Life is a miracle and every breath we take is a gift from Allah. The world is but a means to an end. May we all be prepared for that end when it comes to us. Treasure your loved ones who are still here with you, for surely, we will never know when we will part from each other.